Would you like to be part of blessing a family in need this Christmas? Through new contacts opening up in Hinchingbrooke, we have an opportunity to put together hampers that will be a real blessing for 10 families living there. We would like include in the hampers some day-to-day food items, some Christmas food items and some Christmas presents. Could you help us to assemble the hampers by purchasing some items? We are looking for the following:
Day-to-day items:
Breakfast cereals
Tea bags, coffee, sugar
Long-life milk, bottles of squash
Rice, jars of sauce
Pasta, pasta sauces
Tinned potatoes, baked beans
Tins of tomatoes, soup, fruit, vegetables, meat or fish
Tinned pies
Jam, biscuits, crisps
Instant potatoes
Christmas food items:
Tinned ham
Christmas pudding
Christmas cake
Box of biscuits
Children’s selection box
Box of chocolates
Large bar of chocolate (150/200g)
Snacks & nibbles (eg peanuts)
Christmas crackers
Christmas gifts:
A family game (up to £20)
Individual toys (£10)
Present for man or woman – eg Boots step (£15)
We are doing this in conjunction with a similar campaign on the Oxmoor estate (following on from the summer brunches). The hampers will be delivered to Hinchingbrooke by our Toddler team on Tuesday 8th December.
Could you help us with this? Your contribution would need to be dropped off at 83a (or collected from you) by 4pm Friday 4th December. If you are able to help, to allow us to coordinate contributions, please let us know what you can provide by ticking the relevant boxes here. Thankyou so much!