Are you new to HCC? Have you been coming for a while and are you beginning to feel ‘at home’ here? If so, our Exploring Your Connection Course is just for you!
The course consist of 3 sessions held on a Sunday and one held mid-week on an evening. During the time together, we explain our core beliefs, HCC’s structures and talk more about what we do as a church. All the leadership team take part, and there are loads of opportunities to ask questions. Normally about half a dozen people do the course together.
The first of the Sunday sessions takes place in the room 2 during the Sunday meeting sermon. It is followed by 2 further sessions after the main church meeting has finished. We serve a sandwich lunch in between these, and usually finish by 2.30pm.
The aim of this short course is to put you in a position where together with us, we can assess whether God is calling you to make HCC your home. We believe every Christian should have a ‘home’ church, where they can receive support and grow, and be a centre from which they serve God in their local community.
The Sunday sessions for the next course will be held on Sunday 18th June. The evening time together will be doing the following week, usually at a local home, and at a time convenient to everyone.