Sundays March 2023

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Inspired by Derek Tidball’s book ‘Message of the Cross’ (IVP 2001) Simon Marchant and Tim Anderson will be takin

g us through a series that invites us to take a fresh look at the Cross anticipated through the Old Testament and experienced in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, ‘to stand at the foot of the cross once more and gaze at it in gratitude and faith through the eyes of the witnes

ses of Scripture” and ‘to embrace again what was achieved in that glorious moment, when heaven’s love and heaven’s justice met on a cross and crucified love was poured out on us.” (Derek T

idball) Join us on Sunday March 12th, 10 am at Cromwell Primary School as we kick off the first in this series. 

We’ll also be releasing Podcasts along the way, so do keep an eye out for these!