Practical Help This could involve delivering from the food bank, doing a shop, or other essential errands for someone who can't get out of the house. Just let us know how you want to help by filling in the form below. Your Name Your Phone Number (optional) Your Email (optional) How can you help? I need help with erands like shopping, pick up prescriptions, posting letters or walking my dog I need technical support to access useful tools like online video calling and HCC on-line I need advice on home schooling I am facing a change in my employment circmstances and would like to talk with someone I need an emergancy food bank parcel delivered I need help with obtaining essential baby supplies I need financial support I need support with budgeting I need help with something else (please specificy below) Extra Information Please note that personal information given on this form will be used solely for the purposes of providing the help requested. A copy of HCC's Privacy Notice is available on our website. Submit << Back