Launching on Friday 11th January at 6.30pm, young adults (and those still young at heart) are invited to meet twice a month at 83a, on every second Friday of the month, for food, worship, bible study and discussion on relevant topics and prayer. A second time each month (dates flexible) a social gathering will be held.
Meeting twice a month will enable young adults to engage both with this and their small groups in a way that doesn’t stretch people too thinly, still honours the importance and wisdom of gathering with all ages and doesn’t deprive existing small groups of the influence and input of younger generations. We’re aiming to launch the group now we’re in the new year so if you could class yourself as a ‘young adult’ please prayerfully consider if this is something you would like to be a part of.
The first time the group will meet will be on Friday 11th January at 6.30pm at HCC. To keep food simple we will do a pizza run for those interested, but if you’d rather eat at home first please come for 7.15. Hope to see you there!